Advanced Breast Cancer With Genomic Testing

Advanced Breast Cancer with Genomic Testing

Advanced Breast Cancer With Genomic Testing Fast Facts
Advanced Breast Cancer With Genomic Testing Fast Facts
  1. Inherited genetic mutations account for up to 10% of all breast cancers.
  2. BRCA 1/2 mutations are the most common and most studied inherited genetic mutation in breast cancer. Approximately 1 in 400 women have a BRCA gene mutation. Women with one of these mutations have up to a 7 in 10 chance of getting breast cancer in their lifetime.
  3. FGFR stands for Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor. Around 15% of breast cancers have a FGFR1 gene mutation.
  4. Many women with breast cancer show no symptoms early in the disease, making routine screening important. Self-breast exams and mammograms are the most common screening measures.
  5. The most common symptoms in breast cancer are a lump or swelling in the breast or underarm that doesn’t go away, a flat or indented area on the breast, changes in nipple appearance or feeling, and unusual nipple discharge.
Advanced Breast Cancer with Genomic Testing Hopeful Highlights
Advanced Breast Cancer with Genomic Testing Hopeful Highlights
  1. Many breakthroughs in preventative treatments for breast cancer have been made over the past 20+ years including the approval of Raloxifene in 2006!
  2. There are over 600 breast cancer charities currently active in the United States. An estimated 6 billion dollars is raised each year for breast cancer! People care about this disease and want to help. Reach out to your local organizations!
  3. The death rate for breast cancer has been continuously dropping by an average of 1.4% per year over the past 10 years!

More Details: Genomic Testing for Breast Cancer

Free Matching to Cancer Clinical Trials

  • Your match report contains a detailed list of cervical cancer clinical trials that you may be eligible to enroll in to receive unique and nonconventional treatment. Standard treatment is not the only option.
  • A patient advocate will review your report with you to answer any questions or concerns you may have and assist with enrollment if you decide to move forward with a trial.
  • There’s no need to travel to a clinical trial site until the enrollment process is complete.

Our number one priority is creating positive outcomes for cancer patients. Let us help you today.

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